Thursday, April 01, 2010

Found Link: DVDTalk Reviews Frank Zappa: The Freak Out List DVD

While I was excited about the concept of this DVD when it was announced, DVDTalk has put a damper on my entusiasm with a mostly negative review. This is a low-budget British production that, while probably fascinating for hard core fans (like me), will likely bore the rest of the sane world to tears. If you're a real Zappa enthusiast then you might want to pick this one up just to hear from former Mothers Ian Underwood, Don Preston and George Duke. Click below to go to DVDTalk for all the details including a disappointing audio/visual presentation.

While these independently made documentaries are fine and dandy, what we'd really like to see is more from the official Zappa Family Trust. They are still sitting on the infamous Roxy concert video that still remains the holy grail for all Zappa fans. Come on Dweezil! Make it happen already.

Zappa, Frank The Freak Out List : DVD Talk Review of the DVD Video:
"The intention of the piece is good; I've always been curious about what makes a musician's mind tick and what gets their creative juices flowing. And I've always been one who has been fascinated by an eclectic taste in music, so to see these tastes of Zappa's musical style for the 'Freak Out!' album are interesting and fun to watch. But I think the gap between experiencing the music and sitting through some of the interviews is a little too deep for the feature to cross."

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