Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Found Link - No-Man's Mixtaped DVD Microsite

Bla bla bla bla. Steven Wilson is a prolific dude. Yadda yadda etc.. It's all been said countless times so what good would it be to repeat it again? One of his many muses is the band No-Man. You know he's been working with Tim Bowness since 1990? This is true. Did you know that this is their first DVD of one of their vary rare live performances? This is also true. The site features a short biography and explanation of what the DVD contains. In addition to the live concert video it also boasts a documentary chronicling the story of No-Man from seed to um...bigger seed. (I don't know what that even means...) Either way, you can get fancy wallpaper for your computer, check out a trailer for the DVD and even watch a clip from one of the songs. Enjoy it. Breathe in the Light as Mr. Bowness might want to say.

No-Man - Wherever There is Light (from Mixtaped DVD) from Kscope on Vimeo.

No-Man's - Mixtaped DVD
Comprising a comprehensive career-spanning documentary, a complete performance from London's Bush Hall in 2008 and numerous extras (including newly commissioned and archive video footage), Mixtaped provides a fascinating insight into one of British music's most enduring and idealistic bands.


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